Speech therapy
In your child’s natural environment, where FUN is encouraged. Serving Bucks County and Montgomery County, PA in person. Providing Teletherapy throughout the state of Pennsylvania.

Speech therapy
In your child’s natural environment, where FUN is encouraged. Serving Bucks County and Montgomery County, PA in person. Providing Teletherapy throughout the state of Pennsylvania.

Speech therapy
In your child’s natural environment, where FUN is encouraged. Serving Bucks County and Montgomery County, PA in person. Providing Teletherapy throughout the state of Pennsylvania.

Speech therapy
In your child’s natural environment, where FUN is encouraged. Serving Bucks County and Montgomery County, PA in person. Providing Teletherapy throughout the state of Pennsylvania.

Does Your Loved One Need Speech Therapy?
Know The Early Signs
Know The Early Signs
These are just some of the reasons a child may need to see a speech therapist.

Language Concerns: Receptive and Expressive
Receptive language is your child’s ability to listen and understand language. Can your child understand the meaning of words, follow simple directions, and answer questions appropriately?
Expressive Language is your child’s ability to use language and communicate with words
Signs for concern:
- Birth to 3 months: Your child is not smiling or playing with others.
- 4 to 7 months: Is your child babbling?
- 7 to 12 months: Your child is only making a few sounds.
- 7 to 12 months: Does your child use gestures, such as waving and pointing?
- 7 months to 2 years: Is your child understanding what others say?
- 12 to 18 months: Your child is only saying a few words.
- 1.5 to 2 years: Is your child putting together two words?
- 2 years: Your child has fewer than 50 words.
- 2 to 3 years: Your child has difficulty playing and talking with other children.
- 2.5 to 3 years: Your child may have difficulty with early reading and writing; Does your child like to draw or look at books?

Speech Concerns
Articulation is the way we produce sounds and words. Phonology is the pattern of sounds, for example “nana” for banana” “teef” for “teeth” or “gog” for “dog”
- 1 to 2 years: Your child should be saying /p, b, m, h, w/ the correct way most of the time, in words.
- 2 to 3 years: Your child should be saying /k, g, f, t, d, n/ the correct way most of the time, in words. Is your child is hard to understand even to familiar people?

Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can occur as a child gets older, if not at birth. Some signs of possible hearing loss include:
- Birth to 1 year: Your child does not pay attention to sounds.
- 7 months to 1 year: Your child is not responding when you call his/her name.
- 1 to 2 years: Your child is not following simple directions.
- Birth to 3 years: Your child is having speech and language delays.
If your child is showing any of these signs, have a doctor check for an ear infection and/or see an audiologist for a hearing assessment.
Do you have questions and concerns about your child’s speech? Set up a FREE 15 minute consult
The type of evaluation administered would depend on the concerns you have for your child.

about us
Who We Are
Groovy Time Speech is a private practice providing in person speech and language services throughout Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Speech and language services that are provided in person can be in-homes, daycares, or schools. Groovy Time Speech also provides Teletherapy throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
Language Development by Age
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